Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Humphrey Bogurt Blog Award

Look what my fellow blogger Fern has given me! Fern's blog is: http://texasstampinmamaw.blogspot.com/
If you've never been to Fern's blog before, you have to check it out. She does some beautiful layouts! Thanks so much Fern.
Now I have to say where I'd like to be in 10 years.
1) I'd like to be retired.
2) Possibly a Grandma.
3) My step son lives next door to us, and I'm hoping my daughter will be out of college and residing in our town. (my biggest worry is she will move out of state and I couldn't handle it. HA) I've always dreamed of having my kids close!
4) I'd like to be a much better crafter than I am now!
5) And finally I'd like to still be happily married.
Now I have to pass this on to 10 other bloggers. That's the hard part, I know so many that deserve awards. So I'm going to bend the rules and pass this on to anyone who wants it. Sorry Fern!

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